Assignment certificate of process designing of numerical control of technology of numerical control process designing

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  • source:MCGUFFIE CNC Machining
Fill in one of content that file of CNC Machining special technology is design of CNC Machining technology. The basis of CNC Machining of these technical file since, product is acceptable according to, also be handlers is abided by, executive regulations. Technical file is the specific specification to CNC Machining, the purpose is to make handlers clearer the cutting tool that each the content of machine program, means that hold clip, treatment place choose and other technology issue. File of CNC Machining technology basically has: Assignment certificate of numerical control process designing, workpiece is installed and operation sheet of origin set card, CNC Machining, CNC Machining walks along card of cutting tool of knife route chart, numerical control to wait. Offerred form of commonly used file below, file format but according to the enterprise actual condition proper motion is designed. Technologist of its explain palpability asks to the technology of CNC Machining working procedure and working procedure shows assignment certificate of numerical control process designing, and the mental allowance that should assure before CNC Machining. It is one of important basises that process designing personnel and technologist coordinate the job and program of work out numerical control, detailed sees a table 2.

2. Express 2.

Name of part of number of date assignment certificate uses part drawing of product of assignment certificate of process designing of numerical control of office of technology of assignment certificate of process designing of 2 numerical control numerical control equipment in all page page is main working procedure specification and technical requirement: CNC Milling